Early pregnancy scan

Early pregnancy scan

Early pregnancy scan

What is the role of ultrasound scan in the early pregnancy period, i.e., in the first few weeks of pregnancy?

Confirmation of pregnancy is usually done by performing a urine pregnancy test. Sometimes, a blood test may be performed for the mother to detect Beta HCG hormone (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). Nevertheless, another way to confirm the pregnancy is by performing an ultrasound scan. A transvaginal ultrasound scan can visualize a pregnancy sac at about five weeks when the Beta HCG is about 1500. There are several situations where an ultrasound scan may be requested for in the early pregnancy period – to confirm the pregnancy, if there is pain abdomen, vaginal bleeding or spotting, in women with irregular periods to determine the pregnancy dates accurately.

What are the routes by which ultrasound scan is performed in early pregnancy?

An ultrasound scan is usually performed on the abdomen- which is called the transabdominal route. Sometimes, it may also be performed through the vagina, which is called the Transvaginal route. The transvaginal route is beneficial early in pregnancy as the uterus is in the pelvis, and the pregnancy sac is small. The transvaginal scan is safe and will not lead to any pregnancy complications like pain/ bleeding/miscarriage. 

What information can be obtained from an early pregnancy scan?

Location of pregnancy

Duration of pregnancy- By measuring the length  of the baby which is known as the "crown rump length" (CRL).

No of fetuses- twins, triplets (Multiple pregnancy)

Presence of fetal heart beat and calculating the fetal heart rate (FHR)

Diagnosis of other early pregnancy complications like ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy.

How to prepare for an early pregnancy scan?

You can eat and drink as usual on the day of the scan. It may require that your urinary bladder be full before the transabdominal scan. A transvaginal scan does not require the bladder to be full.  

What will happen during the early pregnancy scan?

Once you are inside the scan room, some details about your pregnancy will be asked, like- your age, last menstrual period, and any symptoms. A water-based gel is applied to the tummy for the transabdominal scan. For the transvaginal scan, the ultrasound probe is gently inserted into the vagina to perform the scan. The transvaginal scan is usually not painful. Some women may feel mild discomfort during the insertion of the probe. Once all the information is obtained from the scan, we will explain the scan findings, and a printed report with the ultrasound images will be issued.